Ask3Com on CompuServe
Ask3Com is a CompuServe-based service containing patches,
software, drivers, and technical articles about all 3Com products,
as well as an interactive forum for technical questions. To use
Ask3Com, you need a CompuServe account.
To use Ask3Com:
1Log on to CompuServe.
2Enter go threecom
3Press [Enter] to see the Ask3Com main menu.
3ComFacts Automated Fax Service
3Com Corporation’s interactive fax service, 3ComFactsSM, provides
data sheets, technical articles, diagrams, and troubleshooting
instructions on 3Com products 24 hours a day, seven days a
week. Within this service, you may choose to access CardFactsSM
for adapter information, or NetFactsSM for network system
product information.
â– CardFacts provides adapter installation diagrams, configuration
drawings, troubleshooting instruction, and technical articles.
Document 9999 provides you with an index of adapter
Japan up to 14400 baud (81) (3) 3243 9245
Singapore up to 9600 baud (65) 534 5693
Taiwan up to 14400 baud (886) (2) 577 6160
U.K. up to 14400 baud (44) (442) 278278
U.S. up to 14400 baud (1) (408) 980 8204
Country Baud Rate Telephone Number