The Operator Accounts screen appears, listing the operator
accounts that are set up for the bridge, see Figure 2-11 . You can
set up 60 operator accounts for the bridge.
Enter the number of the operator account you want to set up.
Figure 2-11 Operator Accounts
No: Display Field. The account numbers of the 60 accounts.
Account: Display Field. The operator ID for the account. This can
be changed with the Edit User Accounts screen that follows on
from this screen. Blank entries indicate that the account has not
been assigned.
Priv: Display Field. The designated privilege for the account. A is
for administrator and O is for operator. Accounts with operator
privilege cannot configure the bridge, initialize NVRAM, or reset
the bridge.
Security checking is disabled if no operators are allocated
administrator privileges. This prevents a lock out from
configuration areas.