Custom Filter Configuration 3-17
Set Name: Text Field. This is optional. Enter a name for the filter
set. The set name helps you identify the set. If you enter a name
that is already used for a port-to-port filter set, that filter set will
be displayed.
Ports Member: Text Field (1 / 0). Move to the field, under PORTS
MEMBER, next to the relevant port. Enter 1 to include the port as
a member of the filter set, or 0 to exclude the port as a member
of the filter set. The default is 1.
Saving Port-to-Port Filters
When you have set up your filter sets, you must use the Filter
Options screen to save them. Exit from the Port-to-Port screen
and select FILTER SWITCHES from the Bridge Filters menu. You
also use the Filter Options screen for enabling and disabling
Enter y for the SAVE PTOP SETS INFO? field.
Reset the bridge.