Simple Bridge Configuration 2-25
System Contact: Text Field. Enter the name of the person who is
responsible for the bridge. This is a string of 1 to 16 characters.
Changes to this field are only saved during a bridg e reset, and
take effect from then on.
System Location: Text Field. Enter the physical location of the
bridge. This helps if ever it needs to be located. This is a string of
1 to 16 characters. Changes to this field are only saved during a
bridge reset, and take effect from then on.
Local Time/Date: Text Field. Enter the local time and date.
Changes to this field are only saved during a bridg e reset, and
take effect from then on.
Local Control Terminal Port Mode: Text Field. This field should
be set to standard. Do not change this field.
Remote Control Terminal Port Mode: Text Field. This field
should be set to standard. Do not change this field.
Bridge Statistics Averaging: Tex t F iel d ( on / off). Set the
method by which statistics are displayed on the Brid ge Statistics
and Bridge Port Statistics monitoring screens. If you want the
accumulated statistics averaged per second, specify on. If you
want the total accumulated statistics (since power up), specify