MS-70 / MX-50 / MF-50 / ML-50 24
7.3. Program NumberProgram NumberProgram NumberProgram Number The measurement conditions of all program numbers are set to the standard mode at the
factory. The analyzer can store and recall proper individual settings for each sample with
the program number (PROG No.).
MS-70 / MX-50 20 sets PROG 1 to 20
MF-50 10 sets PROG 1 to 10
ML-50 05 sets PROG 1 to 5
The same measurement program is stored in all program
numbers with factory settings.
Analysis mode .....................Standard mode
Heating pattern....................Standard drying
Caution If the data memory function is active, the data memory number (MEM) is
displayed, in place of the program number (PROG).
7.3.1. Storing a
Storing a Storing a
Storing a Measure ment
Measurement Program
Program Program
Program to a Program Number
to a Program Number to a Program Number
to a Program Number
Displaying or recalling a PROG number, a measurement program can be renewed.
1. Press and hold the PROGRAM key in gram display.
2. Press the ↓ or ↑ key to select a program number
3. Press the ENTER key to use the selected number.
4. Press the SELECT key to edit the parameters.
5. Edit parameters of a measurement program.
Refer to "8.Selection of Measurement Method"
6. Press the following key to return to the gram display.
ENTER key ..... Store s p a r a m e t e r s t o t he selecte d n u m b e r.
RESET key ..... Cancels the operation and returns to the
weighing mode.
7.3.2. Recalling a
Recalling a Recalling a
Recalling a Measurement
Measurement Program
Program Program
Program with a Pro
with a Pro with a Pro
with a Program Number
gram Numbergram Number
gram Number
Stored measurement programs can be recalled with a program number.
1. Press and hold the PROGRAM key in the gram display.
2. Press the ↓ or ↑ key to select a program number
3. Press the ENTER key to use the selected number.
Program number
Memory number
PROG "1 0.000g
PROG 2 0.000g
Program number
Edit measurement
PROG 2 0.000g
PROG "1 0.000g
PROG "2 0.000g
Program number