MS-70 / MX-50 / MF-50 / ML-50 55
13.13.13. CalibrationCalibrationCalibrationCalibration
The moisture content is calculated with a ratio of wet weight and dried weight.
Therefore, the absolute value of weighing does not influence the calculation of the
moisture content, but it is necessary to get precise weighing for GLP, GMP and ISO.
Use a 20g mass or a 50g mass to calibrate the weighing sensor.
W hen ca libratin g the weighin g sens or, you can output the ca libration re port adap ted
to GLP, GMP and ISO.
There is a certified temperature calibrator (accessory AX-MX-43, only for MS-70 and
MX-50) to calibrate the pan temperature for precise temperature control.
When calibrating the temperature, you can output the calibration report adapted to
The analyzer can store an ID number to be used in the calibration report. The
number can be used for management and maintenance of the analyzer

13.1. Identification Number (ID No.)

Identification Number (ID No.)Identification Number (ID No.)

Identification Number (ID No.)

The ID numb er consists of the following seven characters.
Characters 0 1 2 3 4 56789 Space -(hyphen)
Display 0 1 2 3 4 56789 -
Characters A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q
Display a b C d e fgHijklm N o p q
Characters R S T U V W X Y Z
Display r s t U v wxyz


13.1.1. Setting the ID Number

Setting the ID NumberSetting the ID Number

Setting the ID Number

1. Turn on the analyzer.
The gram unit (of weighing mode) is displayed.
2. Press and hold the SE LECT key to enter the function
table. Then Cl adj is displayed.
3. Press the SELECT key to d isplay id .
4. Press the ENTER key.
5. Set the ID number using the following keys.
Example: lab-123
SELECT key ... Selects a figure.
, key............. Selects a value for the figure.
ENTER key ..... Stores t h e I D N o . a n d p r o c eeds to step 6.
6. Press the RESET key to return to the weighing mode.
Cl adj
Press and