MS-70 / MX-50 / MF-50 / ML-50 50
11.1. RSRSRSRS----232C Serial Interface232C Serial Interface232C Serial Interface232C Serial Interface
-232C Serial Interface
232C Serial Interface232C Serial Interface
232C Serial Interface
Transmission system EIA RS-232C
Transmission form Asynchronous, bi-directional, half duplex
Data format Baud rate 2400bps
Data bits 7bits
Parity EVEN
Stop bit 1bit
Terminator CR LF (CR: 0Dh, LF: 0Ah)
Bit format
Pin Connections
Pin ConnectionsPin Connections
Pin Connections
2.6mm, metric screw thread
MX-50 and MF-50 (DCE) Computer (DTE)
Pin No. Signal Name 2 Description Direction Signal Name
1 FG Frame ground
2 RXD Receive data TXD
3 TXD Transmit data RXD
4 RTS Ready to send 3 RTS
5 CTS Clear to send 3 CTS
6 DSR Data set ready DSR
7 SG Signal ground
16, 18, 19,
21, 23 Internal use Do not connect 1
Other Not used
1: Normal DOS/V cables do not use these terminals.
2: Signal names of the analyzer side are the same as the DTE side with TXD and
RXD reversed.
3: RTS and CTS control are not used. CTS output is HI always.
-5 V to -15 V
+5 V to +15 V
Data bits
Start bit Parity bit
Stop bit