Chapter 4 Configuring Wireless Settings
Activating WPA
There are two levels of WPA.
The “Group Key Interval,”“Server IP Address,”“Port,” and “Secret” text boxes are enterprise network specific, and should only be accessed by an information sys- tems professional. See “WEP+802.1x” on the previous page for more information.
When finished with this screen, click Apply to save all changes. To return to the Wireless Advanced Settings screen, click Back.
ESSID Broadcast
Selecting ESSID Broadcast in the Wireless Advanced Settings screen generates the “ESSID Broadcast” screen.
To prevent a unwanted computers from joining the Gateway’s wireless network by using an ESSID of “Any,” select Disable in the ESSID Broadcast screen. To broad- cast the wireless network’s ESSID, select Enable.
When finished with this screen, click Apply to save all changes. To return to the Wireless Advanced Settings screen, click Back.