Installing the Initiator Mode Driver
Red Hat LinuxThis section contains the following procedures for Version 7.2 with
kernel version 2.4.7-10 and Advanced Server (release 2.1AS) with
kernel version 2.4.9-e.3:
■Installing the Red Hat Module
■Removing the Red Hat Module on page 3-8
■Enabling Multi-LUN Support in Linux on page 3-9
For additional Linux functionality, such as dynamically adding and
removing devices, refer to the Linux Readme file located on the CD
inside the RPM file.
Installing the Red Hat Module
To in st all th e asa72xx module:
Note: Linux is case-sensitive; keep this in mind when entering
1Login as root.
2Verify that the correct Linux kernel and kernel source is
installed in the system before installing the module. See
Operating System Requirements on page 1-4.
3To mount the Adaptec iSCSI installation CD, enter:
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
4To change to the cdrom directory, enter:
cd /mnt/cdrom/Drivers/Linux
5To unpack the module package, enter:
rpm -Uhv asa72xx.rpm
6To change to the /usr/src/asa72xx directory, enter:
cd /usr/src/asa72xx
7To unmount the Adaptec iSCSI installation CD, enter:
umount /mnt/cdrom
ASA-7211 IG.book Page 7 Tuesday, February 11, 2003 10:04 AM