F1 - Display firmware first digit
F2 - Display firmware second digit
F3 - Display firmware third digit
F5 - Restore PS/2 mouse function
F6 - Restore IntelliMouse function
F8 - RESET all configurations to default settings. (Display confirms with 'r').
P - Sets password - see section 4.8 for instructions.
E - Exits configure mode and returns the SmartView to normal operation mode.
2.7 Other useful installation information
PC boot up sequence - When your PCs are powered on they communicate with any attached keyboards and mice and setup parameters required by the particular operating system. It is necessary for the SmartView to be attached and powered on during this sequence so that it can give the required responses and keep track of all the modes and settings requested by each of the connected PCs.
Mouse characteristics - do not unplug a PS/2 mouse connection from a PC whilst the PC is on. Due to the design of PS/2 mice communications the mouse function on the PC will be lost and you will have to
Keyboard and mouse mode switching - The SmartView keeps a log of the keyboard and mouse mode and resolution settings requested by each of the connected PCs. These settings are automatically restored to the shared keyboard and mouse when the SmartView channel is switched thus ensuring maximum software compatibility. The keyboard num, caps and scroll lock states are an obvious example of this process.
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