1: (<html><head><title>WebScript test</title></head>) print
2: (Current TCP configuration) print
3: (<table>) print
4: etc /tcp get
5: { exch (<tr><td>) print xprint
6: (<td> : <td>) print print (\n) print
7: } forall
8: (</table></body></html>) print
Figure 21: Example script displaying the TCP/IP configuration
7.4 below.
7.4 Running the Script
Scripts are either edited with the built-in editor (see section 6.2) or uploaded via FTP.
Suppose you have edited the script on the PC, in a file called c:\tcpsettings, (the file
extension conventions regarding WebScriptfiles say that they have no extension!) you do
the following:
1. Connect via FTP from the PC to the WebNet: ftp
2. Log in with username admin and password admin (unless you have changed them)
3. Change directory to the cgi-bin directory, where the scripts reside: cd cgi-bin
4. Upload the file: put c:\tcpsettings tcpsettings
You can checkthat the file has arrived safely by typing dir , which shows the files in the
cgi-bin directory, with size information. When the script is located in cgi-bin, you run it
by typing in the URL:
The web page appearing should be the expected list of TCP/IP settings.
The setup part of the above url is a logical path that “points to” the cgi-bin physical
path on the WebNet. This is for historical reasons.
7.5 Debugging Scripts
Perhaps the script fails, probably meaning that you havemade a typing mistake somewhere
in the script. You can then use the built-in editor to correct the mistake, instead of ftp’ing
the script back on the PC, editing it, and uploading it again. See section 6.2 for more
information on the built-in editor.
If you are more in doubt about what went wrong, you may want to try the WebScript
debugger described in section 6.5. You will have to copy/paste the code into the debugger,
32 WebNet User’s Guide