Document 50934 Rev B 5/15/00 PN 50934:B 61
Type Mode Programming
To disable or identify a zone or point in Type Mode (refer to Section 4.2), the following Entries/Addresses are used:
For Zone Identification:
Zones 1 - 99 are programmed by Entries/Addresses 01 - 99. The factory default code is 'fire alarm.'
For Point Identification:
Loop 1, Modules 101 - 196 are programmed by Type Mode Entries/Addresses 01 - 96
Loop 2 Modules 201 - 296 are programmed by Type Mode Entries/Addresses 101 - 196
Loop 1, Detectors 101 - 196 are programmed by Type Mode Entries/Addresses 201 - 296
Loop 2, Detectors 201 - 296 are programmed by Type Mode Entries/Addresses 301 - 396
System 5000 output modules are programmed by Type Mode Entries/Addresses 401 - 464
CAUTION: Addresses 97 - 100, 197 - 200 and 297 - 300 must not be programmed. Refer to the CAB illustrations below.
Event Code/Report Transmissionvia Ademco Contact ID Format Only
For Zone Reporting:
Zones 1 - 99 report as zone numbers 01 - 99
For Point Reporting:
Loop 1, Modules 101 - 196 report as device numbers 01 - 96 (Report defaults to '110')
Loop 2, Modules 201 - 296 report as device numbers 101 - 196 (Report defaults to '110')
Loop 1, Detectors 101 - 196 report as device numbers 201 - 296 (Report defaults to '111')
Loop 2, Detectors 201 - 296 report as device numbers 301 - 396 (Report defaults to '111')
Output Modules 1 - 64 report as device numbers 401 - 464 (Report defaults to '380', trouble only)
CAUTION: Point reports for Loop 1, Modules 197 through 199, Detectors 197 through 199 and point reports for Loop
2, Modules 297 through 299 and Detectors 297 through 299 are omitted. However, when devices are installed on either
SLC Loop and the device is in alarm or trouble, the ADT-UDACT will transmit the general alarm and general trouble
reports if enabled.
Following are module locations and their corresponding addresses in various cabinets: