Appendix B. Log Messages
B-4 Express 4100/4110 User Manual 61200176L2-1
MP options not the same
level 2
It is required that when LCP links a re bundled that specif ic PPP options
(MRRU and short sequence header format) be negotiated the same for all
LCP links. This message occurs when those options mismatch. Probably
due to misconfiguration of the PPP peer.
Negot not converging
level 2
Negotiation of the LCP layer is un attainable due to misconfiguration or
the Express 4100/4110 or PPP peer is requiring authentication and the
other is refusing.
No IP addr for peer
level 2
The Express 4100/4110 cann o t con t inue the con nection beca use there was
no IP address received from the P PP peer or it was not set in Configura-
tion/Connection List/IP/Route/IP/Net parameter.
No more bundles avail
level 3
The Express 4100/4110 cannot bundle more than two Multilink ses sions
at one time.
No Response from peer
level 2
The Express 4100/4110 ha s dialed or answered a cal l and no PP P nego t ia-
tion packets were seen.
PAP authen failed
level 3
The PPP peer has rejected the Express 4100/4110’s username and/or
password used for authenticating. Check to make sure the Configura-
tion/Connection List/Authentication parameters Tx Method, Tx User-
name, and Tx Password are correct.