Quick Startup Guide
61200176L2-1 Express 4100/4110 User Manual Quick Start-3
16. Go into th e Dial menu.
17. Set the cursor over the Dial parameter for the Connection List pr ofile
you just set up.
18. Press Enter; the Express 4100/4110 will start dialing.
19. If the call is successful , the Status column will read active. If not,
make sure the numb er(s) are co rrect or reference “Troubleshooting”
on page 4-1 before going on to the next step.
20. Once the call is up, the PC must generate a DHCP request to obtain
the IP parameters needed to get on the Internet. Refer to your PC’s
user manual or help screen.
Remote/Home Office Accessing the Corporate LAN
The following steps can be used to set up the Express 4100/4110 on a
remo te LAN to access a corporate or centra l LAN using demand dial and
dynamic bandwidth management.
1. Connect the 10BaseT cable from the hub to the Express 4100/4110.
2. Set the IP address and Subnet Mas k assign ed by t he netw ork a dmin-
istrator in the Configuration/IP menu.
3. For the Default G ateway, enter the IP address of the access server at
the remote site. This creates a default route in the IP routing table
that will be used with the dial-on-demand feature in the Express
4. Use the arrow keys to get to the Configuration/IPX menu. Set the
Netw or k va lue t o t he IP X network s upp l i ed by t he net w ork admin i s-
trator. Set the Seed Status to Seed. Arrow left and save the changes
with a y when prompted.
5. Move to the Confi gurat ion/Connecti on List. Use the arrow keys to
move the cursor over the Num column. Type I to insert a new entry.
6. Move the cursor over the Description field and press Enter. A pop
up window appears in which to enter a name for this Con nection List
7. Move the cursor over the Authentication menu and press Return.
This will place the authentication parameters into the right pane.
8. Enter the username and password under Tx Username and Tx Pass-
word. These items should be provided by the administrator at the
site being dialed.