Chapter 3. Terminal Menu Operation and Structure
3-34 Express 4100/4110 User Manual 61200176L2-1

Filter Defines /IPX Filter Defines

Write security: 2; Read security: 3

The IPX filter defines apply to any IPX packet whether it is routed or

bridged. Also, any IPX encapsulation type will be accounted for. U p to 32

IPX defines can be specified.

Dst Port IP destinatio n port number used for compa rison
Range: 0 to 65535. (decimal format)
Dst Por t Cmpr Type of comparison that is performed
= means ports equal to
not = means port not equal to
> means port greater than
< means port less than
None means the destination port is not com-
Proto Protocol used for comparison. Range: 0 to
255. (decimal format)
Proto Cmpr Type of comparison that is performed
= means protocols equal to
not = means protocols not equal to
> means protocols greater than
< means protocols less than
None means the protocol is not compared
TCP Est Yes - only when TCP established
No - only when TCP not established
Ignore - ignore TCP flags
Name Identifies the f ilter entry (15 characters max)
Src Net 32-bit source network address
Src Mask Bits in the source network address which are
compared. (hexadecimal format)
Dest Net 32-bit destination network address
Dest Mask Bits in the destination network address which
are compared. (hexadecimal format)