Appendix B. Log Messages
B-8 Express 4100/4110 User Manual 61200176L2-1
Bandwidth drop
level 4
The Express 4100/4110 is dropping a B-channel call in order to reduce
Bandwidth request
level 4
The Express 4100/4110 is dialing another B-channel in order to increase
Bandwidth Restore
level 4
The Express 4100/4110 is re-dialing destination to restore original band-
width after POTS call bump or unexpected call drop.
Bearer Info Cap Incorrect
level 2
The bearer capability received in an information element from the switch
was in v alid.
Bearer Mode Incorrect
level 2
The bearer mode received in an information element from the switch was
level 2
Called locati on was busy.
Call lost <number>
level 5
The Expr e ss 4100/ 4110 attemptedt o r etr ieve a pr eviou sly held call bu t the
call was lost for unknown reasons. If no caller ID is available for the ISDN
line, then <number> w ill be blank for incoming ca lls.