Appendix C. SNMP
C-2 Express 4100/4110 User Manual 61200176L2-1
response to the network mana ger. The network manager collects all the
data from the various network devices and presents it in a con sistent
Using SNMP Version 1, the network manager can issue three types of
•GetRequest: This command retrieves a single item or the first in a
series from a network device.
•GetNextRequest: This command retrieves the next item in a series
from a network device.
•SetRequest: This command writes information to a network device.
The network device issues two types of messages:
•GetResponse: This message is the response to a network manager
GetRequest or GetNextRequest command.
•Trap: This is an u nso licited message issued by a network device to
report an op erational an omaly or an alar m condition to the networ k
These messages are typically encased within informational packets and
transported over the LAN or WAN.
SNMP Embedded Agent
The Express 4100/4110 supports the following groups from MIB-II: (RFC
• System Group
• UDP Grou p
• Interfaces Group
•ICMP Group
• Address Translation Group
•IP Group
•TCP Group
Also, the Ethernet transmission MIB is supported (RFC 1643).
The following manager requests are supported:
• Get object
• Get next object
• Set object