Chapter 2. Installation
61200176L2-1 Express 4100/4110 User Manual 2-3
Table 2-1. Using the Flash-Hook
Calling a second party with an active call:
Flash-hook to place active call on hold and dial new number. Hanging
up will terminate the call.
Answering an incoming call with an active call at call waiting:
Flash-hook to place active call on hold and answer incoming call. Hang-
ing up will terminate both calls.
Conferencing Calls:
With an outgoing call on hold, and a second outgoing call active, flash-
hook to conference calls. Hangi ng up will transfer second ca ll.
With an incoming call on hold, and outgoing call active, flash-hook to
conference calls. Hanging up will transfer calls.
With two incoming ca lls ( on e on hold and one active) flash-hook to con-
ference calls. Hanging up transfers call s.
Answering calls on hold, and holding incoming active calls:
Flas h-hook places the incoming c all on hold and reconnects to outg oing
call. Hanging up will terminate both ca lls.
When connecting to a National ISDN 1 switch, call conferencing and call transferring are as-
signed a unique feature identifier number. This number may not be the same in all areas. The
Configuration/WAN/POTS menu contains the feature identifier numbers for conference and
transfer. If these features do not work, contact your ISDN provider. They can determine the
numbers for thes e features that can then be p rogrammed int o the Expr ess 4100/4110.
Customer Premises Wiring
Customer premises wiring requirements for the Express 4100/4110 vary
depending on the application and existing wiring. It may be simpler for
the ISDN provider to deliver another line to your location. This would
eliminate the need to m odify existing wiring. Figures 2-1 and 2-2 illus-
trate two wiring sch e me possibilities.