Chapter 1. Understanding ISDN and the Express 4100/4110
61200176L2-1 Express 4100/4110 User Manual 1-5
Small Office - Home Office (SOHO) to Corporate LAN
• Connects the small office or home office to the corporate LAN
• Routes IP and Internet Packet Exchange (IPX) traffic from multiple
devices to the corporate LAN
• Bridges all non-routed traffic (e.g., AppleTalk)
• Provides dedicated or on-demand services
• Low -cost alternative to buy i ng a high- end router
• Compatibl e with popular central site LAN access devices
Figure 1-5. SOHO to Corporate LAN
The Express 4100/4110 provides the following basic functions:
1. LAN Bridge: Bridging provides a po int-to-poin t con nection between
two LANs. The bridge learning function scans the source and desti-
nation med ia ac cess co ntrol (MAC) addresses of all p ack ets on its
local LAN and determines which packets should be transmitted over
the ISDN link. Applications include connectivity between single
user or small of fices to co rporate LANs. The Expr ess 4100/4 110 uses
the Spanning Tree Algorithm (IEEE 802.1d-ISO/IEC10038), which
provides a loop-free topology and redundancy.