Appendix F. Frame Relay Firmware Versi on
F-6 Express 4100/4110 User Manual 61200176L2-1
Link IP Address. Only one PVC may be used for translation at one
time. If more than one IP Map is configured for NAT, the first PVC
which is activated becomes the NAT port.
DLCI Mapping/IPX Map
This menu represents the IPX protocol mapping that is to take place for
this DLCI.
IPX Map/Active
Write security: 3, Read security: 5
When this is set to Yes (def), the Express 4100/4110 will attempt to
transport IPX packets for this DLCI. A setting of No means that no
IPX traffic or route will be exchanged.
Write security: 3, Read security: 5
When this is set to Yes (def), the Express 4100/4110 will send
Inverse ARP packets to determine th e IPX network on the o ther end
of the virtual cir cuit. If the IARP is r esponded to, a r oute is placed in
the IPX r oute table. A setting of No me ans that th e IPX netw ork i s to
be assigned to th e link statically using the IPX M ap/ Link Network
parameter. The Express 4100/4110 will always respond to Inverse
ARP requests.
IPX Map/Link Network
Write security: 3, Read security: 5
This is the IPX network of the link or of the other device’s LAN.
When this DLCI becomes active, the Express 4100/4110 will add a
route to this network in the IPX routing table. This address is also
used by the Expr e ss 4100 /4110 to respond to Inverse AR P requests.
If this IPX address is left as 0, the link is tr eated as unnum bered and
the Express 4100/4110 responds to the Inverse ARP with its Ether-
net IPX address.
DLCI Mapping/Bri dg e Map
This menu is used to permi t bridging of packets over th is DLCI. Each
DLCI or virtual circuit must be assigned a bridge group. The bridge
group treats all virtual circuits as one circuit. Bridge packets destined to
be transmitted out a particular bridge group are copied and transmitted
individually out each DLCI in the bridge group. However, incoming