Chapter 3. Terminal Menu Operation and Structure
3-44 Express 4100/4110 User Manual 61200176L2-1
Connection List/IPX
The IPX menu contains the parameters for exchanging IPX data with the
PPP peer.
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
Setting to On (def) will permit this connection profile to negotiat e PPP
IPXCP with the PPP peer for exchanging of IPX packets.
IPX/Remote Network
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
A non-zero value in this remote network number will allow the Express
4100/4110 to add a route to the PPP peer’s network to the routing table.
The Express 4100/411 0 normally w ill treat the WAN network as an
unnumbered link. This is usually referred to as being a “half-router.”
However, a PPP peer which wan ts to assign a netwo r k address to the
WAN link can do so, in which case the Express 4100/4110 will go into
“full-router” mode.
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
When set to Yes, only IPX RIP and SAP updates ar e sent when the r outing
or service table has changed and learned r outes ar e not “aged.” When set
to No (def), updates are sent periodically based on the RIP and SAP tim-
ers set in Configuration/IPX/RIP Timer and Configurati on/IPX/SA P
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
When this Connection List entry is disconnected and this parameter is set
to Yes, all r outes learned fr om this WAN connection are r eta ined and their
routing interface is set to idle. This permits dial-on-demand to occur
using this p rofile for any IPX netw ork or service that might have been
advertised by the particular PPP peer. The idle routes can be flushed or
“zomb ied ” from t he ro uti ng t abl e i f a manual hangup is perfo r med whe n
this WAN connection is not active. See Dial /Ha ng up. When this Con-