IEEE 488.2 Common Commands
*TST? (Self-Test
Query) The *TST? self-test query causes the Test Set to execute a series of internal self-

tests and place a numeric response into the Output Queue indicating whether or

not the Test Set completed the self-test without any detected errors. The response

data is obtained by reading the Output Queue into a numeric variable, real or

integer. Upon successful completion of the self-test the Test Set settings are

restored to their values prior to receipt of the *TST? command. The numeric

response definition is as shown in Table 16.

Example program
10 INTEGER Slf_tst_response
20 OUTPUT 714;"*TST?"
30 ENTER 714;Slf_tst_respons
40 PRINT Slf_tst_respons
50 END
Example response
Table 16 Self-Test Response
Detected Error Returned Error
Code (Decimal) Error Code Displayed on Test
Set’s CRT (Hexadecimal)
None (all self-tests passed) 0 0000
68000 Processor Failure 2 0002
ROM Checksum Failure 4 0004
Standard Non-Volatile System RAM Failure 8 0008
Non-Volatile System RAM Failure 16 0010
6840 Timer Chip Failure 32 0020
Real-time Clock Chip Failure 64 004 0
Keyboard Failure (stuck key) 128 0080
RS-232 Chip
(I/O option installed and not functioning correctly) 256 0010
Serial Bus Communications Failure with a Standard Board 512 0200
Signaling Board Self-Test Failure 1024 0400
CRT Controller Self-Test Failure 2048 0800
Miscellaneous Hardware Failure 4096 1000