Chapter 5, Advanced Operations
Status Reporting
The Status Byte Register is unique in that bit 6 can take on two different meanings. The contents of the Status Byte Register can be read two ways: by using a serial poll, or by using the *STB? Common Command. Both methods
return the status byte message, bits 0-5, and bit 7, as defined in Table 17. The
value sent for bit 6 is, however, dependent upon the method used.
Table 17 Status Byte Register Bit Assignments
Number Binary
Weighting Condition Comment
7 128 Operation Status Register
Group Summary Message 1= one or more of the enabled events have
occurred since the last reading or clearing of
the Event Register
6 64 Request Service (RQS) when
read by serial poll OR Master
Summary Status message
when read by *STB?
1= Test Set has requested service
1= one or more of the enabled service request
conditions is true
5 32 Standard Event Status Bit
(ESB) Summary Message 1= one or more of the enabled events have
occurred since the last reading or clearing of
the Event Register
4 16 Output Queue Message
Available (MAV) Summary
1= information is available in the Output
3 8 Questionable Data/Signal
Register Group Summary
1= one or more of the enabled events have
occurred since the last reading or clearing of
the Event Register
2 4 Unused in Test Set
1 2 Hardware #2 Status Register
Group Summary Message 1 = one or more of the enabled events have
occurred since the last reading or clearing of
the Event Register
0 1 Hardware #1 Status Register
Group Summary Message 1 = one or more of the enabled events have
occurred since the last reading or clearing of
the Event Register