Chapter 3, GPIB Command Guidelines
Guidelines for Operation
380 ! Read the oscilloscope trace into array Trace(*)
390 ! CRT is (X,Y)=(0,0) in lower left corner
400 !to (399,179) upper right.
410 ! (Each pixel is about 0.02 mm wide by 0.03 mm tall, not square.)
420 ! Scale vertically for 0 kHz dev center-screen and +4 kHz dev top
430 ! of screen. Leave the next three lines for external control, or
440 ! comment them out for IBASIC (Test Set stand-alone) control.
450 !
460 PLOTTER IS CRT,"98627A"
470 !Your display may have a different specifier.
480 GRAPHICS ON!Enable graphics to plot the waveform.
490 WINDOW 0,399,0,179
500 !
510 PEN 1 !Turn on drawing pen
520 MOVE 0,89.5+Trace(0)/4000*89.5
530 FOR I=1 TO 416
540 DRAW I/416*399,89.5+Trace(I)/4000*89.5
550 NEXT I
560 END