Chapter 5, Advanced Operations
Instrument Initialization
Methods of Initialization
There are six methods of initializing the Test Set:
Power On Reset
Front panel PRESET key
*RST IEEE 488.2 Common Command
Device Clear (DCL) GPIB Bus Command
Selected Device Clear (SDC) GPIB Bus Command
Interface Clear (IFC) GPIB Bus Command
When the Test Set is initialized some fields are “restored” (put back to their
default state), some fields are “maintained” (kept at their current state or value),
and some fields are “initialized” (returned to their default value).
The following sections discuss the effects each of the six initialization methods
has on the Test Set.
Power-On Reset
The Power-On Reset is accomplished by applying or cycling AC/DC p ower t o the
Test Set.
For the CONFIGURE, PRINT CONFIGURE, TESTS (Execution Conditions),
TESTS (Printer Setup) and I/O CONFIGURE screens, Table 28 lists the fields
which are restored/initialized when the Test Set AC/DC power is cycled. The
restored state or initialized value is list ed below the field name. Fields which are
not listed are maintained at their current value , whatever that may happen to be.
All fields in the TESTS (Main Menu) screen and the TESTS (External Devices)
screen are maintained at their current st a te/value. The current state/value of the
maintained fields can be ascertained programmatically.