Chapter 6, Memory Cards/Mass Storage
DOS and LIF File System Considerations
When copying LIF named files to a DOS formatted media, the file name is silently
truncated to 8 characters since DOS only allows 8-character file names. This could
result in ERROR 54 Duplicate File Name.
When storing or deleting files to a DOS formatted media, the file name is silently
truncated to 8 characters since DOS only allows 8-character file names. This could
result in ERROR 54 Duplicate File Name.
File Naming Recommendations

If switching between media types (DOS and LIF) or operating exclusivel y in DOS

the following naming conventions are recommended.

Ensure that only TESTS Subsystem procedure files begin w ith the letter p (upper or
lower case).
Ensure that only TESTS Subsystem library files begin with the letter l (upper or lower
Ensure that only TESTS Subsystem code files begin with the letter c (upper or lower
Ensure that only user-written NMT test files begin with the letter n (upper or lower
Avoid using DOS file extensions.
If possible, only use file names of 7 characters or less for Save/Recall registers or
TESTS Subsystem files (prefix character + 7 characters = 8-character DOS file name
limit). This will avoid silent truncation of file names which leads to many of the
problems discussed under “Potential File Name Conflicts” on page 336.