Chapter 6, Memory Cards/Mass Storage
Using the ROM Disk
Using the ROM Disk
The Test Set comes with several Test Procedur es stored on t he interna l ROM disk.
These Test procedures provide instrument diagnostic ut ili ties, periodi c ca libra tion
utilities, memory management utilities, a vari et y of general purpose utilities, and
several IBASIC demonstration programs.
To see a brief description of what each procedure does perform the following
1. Display the TESTS (Main Menu) screen by selecting the front-panel TESTS key.
2. Using the rotary knob, select the Select Procedure Location: field and
choose ROM from the choices.
3. Using the rotary knob, select the Select Procedure Filename field. A list of
Test Procedures stored on the ROM disk is displayed in the Choices: fiel d. Usin g the
rotary knob, select the Test Procedure of interest.
4. A brief description of the Test Procedure will be displayed in the Description field.
ROM DISK cannot be written to for user storage.
The ROM Disk’s mass storage volume specifier is ":MEMORY,0,4"
For example: to catalogue the contents of the ROM Disk from the TESTS
(IBASIC Controller) screen enter: