Agilent N518xA, E8663B, E44x8C, and E82x7D Signal Generators Programming Guide 245
Creating and Downloading Waveform Files
Programming Examples
Importing and Downloading Using VISA—Big Endian Order
On the documentation CD, this programming example’s name is “DownLoad_Visa_c++.txt.”
This C++ programming example (compiled using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0) assumes that the data is in
big endian order and performs the following functions:
•error checking
binary file importing from the PC or workstation
binary file download to the signal generator’s non-volatile memory
To load the waveform data to volatile (WFM1) memory, change the instDestfile declaration to:
// PROGRAM NAME:Download_Visa_c++.cpp
// PROGRAM DESCRIPTION:Sample test program to download ARB waveform data. Send a
// file in chunks of ascii data to the signal generator.
// NOTE: You must have the Agilent IO Libraries installed to run this program.
// This example uses the LAN/TCPIP to download a file to the signal generator's
// non-volatile memory. The program allocates a memory buffer on the PC or
// workstation of 102400 bytes (100*1024 bytes). The actual size of the buffer is
// limited by the memory on your PC or workstation, so the buffer size can be
// increased or decreased to meet your system limitations.
// While this program uses the LAN/TCPIP to download a waveform file into
// non-volatile memory, it can be modified to store files in volatile memory
// WFM1 using GPIB by setting the instrOpenString = ""
// declaration with "GPIB::19::INSTR"
// The program also includes some error checking to alert you when problems arise
// while trying to download files. This includes checking to see if the file exists.
// IMPORTANT: Replace the IP address in the instOpenString declaration
// in the code below with the IP address of your signal generator. (or you can use the
// instrument's hostname). Replace the localSrcFile and instDestFile directory paths
// as needed.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "visa.h"