Page 98 CD3000XL OperatorÕs Manual
Once you have assigned your samples, you may go to the next sample page by pressing
. Here you may tune and pan your samples. You will get this screen:
The top line of the screen is exactly as in SMP1 and displays the currently selected keygroup’s
note range and keygroup, whether you are editing one individual keygroup or all of them as
well as the program name. The other fields are:
Again, this shows the zone number in the column below.
This column allows you to tune each sample in each zone separately. You may
tune the sample in semi tones and cents over a very wide range (±50.00).
You can fine tune the loudness for each zone in each keygroup to balance
them up against each other. You will note that if the master loudness
parameter in the OUT page of the main PROGRAM EDIT screen is set to 99,
this control will only have effect downwards (i.e. when setting a -value). The
range is ±50.
This parameter allows you to fine tune the filter cutoff slightly to maintain a
consistent tone between keygroups. The range is ±50.
This allows you to pan each zone in each keygroup between the main L/R
outputs. The range is L50-MID-R50..
This allows you to assign each zone in each keygroup to its own output 1-8 for
separate processing on an external mixing console if you wish. This has a
relationship with field found in the OUTPUT LEVELS page.
If the whole program is assigned to an individual output, that output will be
shown here - i.e. if the program is set to appear at output 1, then 1 will be
shown for every keygroup here. You may change this per keygroup so that
some sounds come out of 1 and other keygroups appear at other outputs.
This is particularly useful on drums where you often need to mix drums
through an external mixer to add EQ, reverb, compression, etc..
Even if the main program field is set to OFF in the OUTPUT LEVELS
page, you may still route individual keygroups to separate outputs. This may
be useful in a drum program where things like toms, cymbals and some
percussion appear at the CD3000XL’s stereo outputs whilst important drums
like bass drum and snare are assigned to appear at individual outputs.
You will note that whatever the output assignment is here, the level is taken
from the master OUTPUT LEVELS page and is set at the field.