CD3000XL OperatorÕs Manual Page 271
If you are triggering from MIDI, you will most likely want to edit the MIDI note and channel and if
you are creating a song to run takes sequentially, you will possibly want to set a repeat for that
step. If you are at all unsure of the take you have selected, you can press the ENT/PLAY key to
audition the selected take.
There are several ways you can create the next step but the easiest method is probably this:
Press F5 - . This will mark the first step and a small block will appear beside it. Now press
F6 - (insert) - and this will copy that step and you will see it appear beneath the first step.
Now press CURSOR DOWN or move the DATA wheel clockwise to move the pointer down to
the new step. You may now move the cursor into the take field and select another take as the
next step in the list. Of course, you may edit that take’s parameters if you wish. Repeat the
Press - press - move the cursor to the take field to select the next step - edit the
parameters accordingly using ENT/PLAY to audition.
NOTE: If the cursor is not on the scroll bar down the left hand side of the screen, pressing
ENT/PLAY will first return the cursor to the scroll bar. Pressing it again will then play the
selected step. Do not be alarmed if pressing the ENT/PLAY key the first time does not play the
You may repeat that process as many times as you like until you have created your song.
NOTE: If you are creating a song for triggering takes from MIDI, the order in which the takes
appear is not important. It is probably just as well to keep some semblance of order, however,
so that it is easier for you to keep track of. For example, it seems pointless putting the last
chorus’s backing vocal in first and the first verse last!
If, however, you are creating a song for sequential playback, it is necessary to assemble the
takes in the order you wish them to play back.
If, at some point, you wish to delete a take from the list, simply move the cursor to the required
step, press and press .
NOTE: If you do not press you may find that you delete the wrong step. Be careful
because although this is not ultimately destructive (after all, it’s easy enough to insert the step
back in again) it can be annoying.
You may give the song a name (if you haven’t already) and then save it to disk.
It really is quite simple and whatever your application, whether it be sequencing takes or
triggering them, you will soon build up quite complex lists very quickly. Advanced editing such
as block editing, copying, deleting and shifting are explained later. For the time being, practice
the above until it becomes a natural process.