CD3000XL OperatorÕs Manual Page 117
The final page in PROGRAM EDIT is where you may assign modulation to pitch and amplitude
for individual keygroups. This is accessed via the KGRP page by pressing . You will
receive this screen display:
Along the top of the screen we have the usual parameters for selecting the keygroup and the
program. The other parameters on this page are:
This is a fixed, preset assignment that routes the LFO to pitch.
Unlike virtually every other modulation input we have seen so
far, this one is fixed in order to maintain compatibility between
other Akai samplers. It is also done to allow ease of use when
setting up vibrato.
The range for this parameter is +/-50 allowing inverted pitch
effects to be created (especially useful when using square
and sawtooth waves) and the default for this parameter is +50.
This means that the modwheel is always active for vibrato
without you needing to program or set anything up on LFO1.
It also means you only have to set a value in the depth field of
the LFO1 page to have a constant vibrato.
NOTE: If you wish to use LFO1 for some other modulation application such as filter sweeps,
panning, etc., you will need to turn this value to 00 otherwise pitch will also be modulated
unless, of course, that’s what you want.
It is not possible to route any other controllers in this field.
This is a freely assignable modulation input and any source
may be selected here. ENV2 is selected as the default again
as means of ensuring compatibility between the older
samplers and the CD3000XL. Feel free to route anything you
like to this field. Some suggestions are shown on the next
This is another freely assignable modulation field that affects
individual keygroups’ loudness and
has been ‘inherited��� from the S1000 and S1100 to ensure
compatibility between different samplers’ sound disks. You
may of course, assign anything you want here. Some ideas
are LFO1 or LFO2 for tremolo effects (try layering keygroups
and setting one keygroup to a positive value and the other to
a negative value to create undulating crossfades between two
samples). Any of the MIDI controllers such as modwheel,
pressure, bend, etc., may also be used to control loudness.