CD3000XL OperatorÕs Manual Page 119
EDIT SINGLE and EDIT MULTI are both essentially the same but there is one big difference. In
EDIT SINGLE, you can select any program for editing or create new ones or delete existing
ones but, in EDIT MULTI, you can only edit the sound assigned to the currently selected part.
For example, let’s say the attack of the string sound in PART 4 of the multi is too slow - in MULTI
mode, move the cursor to PART 4 and then press EDIT - this will take you immediately to the
offending strings program that needs adjustment and you may tweak its attack time
However, you will note that when editing a program in EDIT MULTI, you still hear the other
programs in the MULTI. This means that you can edit the program WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF
THE MULTI AND THE SEQUENCE THAT IS PLAYING. To use the above example again, as
the sequencer is running, you can select PART 4 and press EDIT and adjust the attack time
while the string part is being played alongside the other parts. This means that you can make
adjustments intuitively within the context of your song.
Also, when parts are layered on the same MIDI channel or when you have set up key splits, you
can hear the other layer(s) whilst editing a sound. Furthermore, if two identical programs are
layered on top of each other (for example, with detune, etc., for a fatter sound), selecting one
of them will cause both to be edited simultaneously. Using the above example again, if you feel
the attack of the strings program layered in part 1 and 2 is too slow, select one of them, press
EDIT and edit the attack time - both programs will be affected.
All this differs from most other modules where SINGLE and MULTI are two totally separate
modes and the EDIT SINGLE key refers to editing the single sound and the EDIT MULTI key
refers to editing or setting up the multi-mode’s parameters. On the CD3000XL, the MULTI
mode is always active for setting up parts and EDIT MULTI is used for editing the programs
assigned to the parts. On most synths or samplers, in the above example, to edit the string’s
attack time, you would have to leave MULTI, go to SINGLE, find the string sound, press EDIT
and edit it out of context (i.e. you can’t hear the other parts playing ). You would then need to
return to MULTI and check it there. Of course, if the sound is still not quite right, you must
repeat the whole process again. Not so on the CD3000XL - simply select the appropriate part
and press EDIT to adjust the sound within the context of the multi until it’s just right.
However, there are some program parameters that are not relevant to EDIT MULTI and these
are omitted when you enter EDIT from the MULTI mode. These include parameters such as
output level, pan, FX sends, MIDI channels, etc., which, of course, are set in the MULTI mode.