Page 128 CD3000XL OperatorÕs Manual
This sets the note on which the new sample will be placed when you record it.
The default is C 3 but you may set any note you like. You will note that you can
set the note by specifically moving the cursor to this field and using the DATA
wheel or you may set it by playing the note on your MIDI controller (i.e.
NOTE: To set the note from a MIDI controller, you must be monitoring the input signal (i.e. F7
should be showing ) and, of course, the controller should be on the same MIDI channel
as the CD3000XL.
This sets the length of time you will record for.
The page also shows what percentage of memory is free, the current sample rate (44100) and
the size (expressed as a percentage of available memory) of the sample you are about to make.
Record levels are set by adjusting the front panel ‘REC LEVEL’ control. The level control
should be adjusted so that the input meter to the left of the RECORD screen is as near to the
top as possible.
If you have selected INPUT LEVEL as the start mode in the RECORD SETUP page, you will
need to set the threshold level here. The default has been sensibly chosen for most purposes
but you may find that some sounds with a slow attack are clipped slightly. To set the threshold,
move the cursor to where it says -20dB. As you input your audio signal, set the threshold level
accordingly so that it is low enough to catch the signal but not so low as to start recording on a
false start. You will see a screen display such as:
You will see the small level meter to the left of the screen bobbing up and down in accordance
with the incoming audio signal and the threshold should be adjusted according so that the
signal is just going slightly into the threshold box. It maybe that some adjustment of the front
panel REC LEVEL control is also necessary. Once you have set the threshold level to your
satisfaction, you are ready to make a recording.