Page 262 CD3000XL OperatorÕs Manual
After you have recorded a take, you may need or want to edit it. This is done by adjusting the
take’s start and end times and is done within the EDIT page. Pressing F4 - - in any of the
DD pages will display this screen:
When you enter this page, you see a graphic representation of the take’s waveform and you
may move the start and end points around freely. The start and end points are shown both as
time values in the start: and end: fields respectively and are also shown as flashing vertical lines
in the waveform display. You may zoom in or out on a waveform for greater editing accuracy.
The fields are as follows:
This shows the ‘now’ position of the left edge of the screen. By
adjusting this parameter, any part of the waveform can be placed as
the ‘now’ position. Used in conjunction with the zoom in and zoom out
keys, this function can be used for identifying key points in a take you
want to edit without upsetting the start and/or end marks. When the
cursor is placed on this field, pressing ENT/PLAY will cause the take to
play back from the left of the screen - i.e. the cursor will play from the
‘now’ position up to the end mark.
This shows the ‘width’ of the screen display in time. Here it is showing
that the whole screen width is equivalent to 2 minutes. As you zoom in
and out, this field changes to show the equivalent size of the screen.
This shows the name of the take selected for editing. You may select
another by scrolling through the available takes.
This allows you to adjust the start time of the take. As you adjust this
parameter, a flashing vertical cursor moves across the waveform
display. You will note that if you move the start point past either
extreme of the waveform display, the waveform will scroll. When the
cursor is on this field, pressing ENT/PLAY will cause the take to play
back from the start point set here.
This sets the end point of the recording. As you adjust this field, a
vertical flashing cursor moves across the screen. If the end point is
moved past either extreme of the waveform display, the waveform will
scroll. When the cursor is on this field, pressing ENT/PLAY will cause
the take to play UP TO the end point from the point shown on the far
left of the screen and you can use the ZOOM IN/OUT functions as a
variable pre-roll function. For example, if you want to audition the last
ten seconds or so of a take to check if your end point edit is
satisfactory, use the ZOOM keys to set a value close to this in the
field and press the ENT/PLAY key.
You may quickly switch between the start and end fields by pressing the key.