CD3000XL OperatorÕs Manual Page 161
Select the A and B samples using the DATA control. You must then choose a name for the J
sample. This can either be the name of an existing, unwanted sample, or you can enter a new
name using the NAME key followed by pressing ENT/PLAY.
Now you should select the portions of the A and B samples which are to be combined using
the and fields. For example, you may want to splice just the attack portion of
sample A to the sustain portion of sample B, or mix just parts of two samples together. If you
want to hear exactly what part of a sample you are going to use, you can set the first and last
points of A, and then press - this will copy sample A into sample J without sample B so
that you audition it in isolation using the ENT/PLAY key (you can overwrite J later, of course, so
you’ve done no permanent damage to A if you get things wrong).
Notice how the figures at the bottom alter as the lengths of samples A and B are changed. The
figure before the (splice) field is the total length of the selected portions of the two samples
(minus the X-fade length - see below), and the figure before the (mix) field is the length of
the longest sample portion to be included.
You may set the respective levels of each of the samples A and B using the parameters
but be careful you don’t overload the system by setting too high a level.
Once you’ve set everything, press . If sample J already contains data, you will be asked if
you want to overwrite it (you should press GO or ABORT as necessary). After a few seconds
(depending on the length of the samples), you can hear the fruits of your labours by pressing
the ENT/PLAY key.