2. Then dial the number you want.
The icon relating to the key will remain lit throughout the call.
SSeennddiinngg aa ssuubb--aaddddrreessss
You may need to add a four-digit "sub-address" to your correspondent's number,
to get through to his fax machine, his computer or his telephone.
2. Then dial your correspondent's number.
3. Dial * followed by the the sub-address (max. 4 digits).
4. to confirm.
SSeennddiinngg aa wwrriitttteenn mmeessssaaggee ttoo aann iinntteerrnnaall ccoorrrreessppoonnddeenntt
The six messages programmed (depends on the installation) are:
1. Telex for you
2. Text for you
3. Fax for you
4. Consult voice mail
5. Consult text
6. Consult image
To send a message :
1. Dial the code for the function you want.
2. Then dial the number