Forwarding your calls, from a different terminal
Forwarding your calls from the terminal you are on (Follow me)
If you are temporarily in another room, and would like your calls to be forwarded to you. From the terminal you are on:
1.Dial the code for the "Remote forward" function.
2.Then, following the instructions, dial your own terminal number.
3. your terminal becomes inactive.
Forwarding calls from any other terminal within the company
You wish to forward calls from one terminal to another, from any terminal within the company:
1.Dial the code for the "Remote forward" function.
2.Then, following the instructions, dial the number of the terminal receiving the forwarding.
3.Dial your own terminal number.
4. your terminal becomes inactive.
Forwarding calls to a recorded message*
1.Dial the code for the type of forwarding that you require.
2.Then dial the number of your company's voice mail service.
3. your terminal becomes inactive.