FFiinnddiinngg oouutt tthhee ccoosstt ooff yyoouurr llaasstt eexxtteerrnnaall ccaallll
Dial the code for the ""CChhaarrggiinngg mmeetteerr rreeaaddoouutt""function.
The display screen will show you the length and the number of units or the cost of
your last outside call, and also the total number of charge units or the total cost
since the meters were last reset.
CCaalllliinngg aann eexxtteerrnnaall ""pprriivvaattee"" nnuummbbeerr
Even though private use of the phone may be restricted, you can make "private"
calls by identifying them as such. They will be charged separately.
1. Lift the receiver.
2. Dial the code for the ""PPrriivvaattee ccaallll"" function,
3. Dial your PIN code,
4. Dial your personal code,
5. Then dial the number.
Note: Private calls cannot be transferred to a different terminal.