Alesis MMT-8, HR-16:B instruction manual C O P Y

Models: MMT-8

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Pressingths RECORDbuttonwill sraselhe currentlyselec-tedsongnumber. The eight trackbuttonsaro inac{ivewhenerasingsongs. The pageup andpagsdownbuttonsare alsoinactivswh€nsrasingsongs.

In all cas6s,the eraseis not executsdunlil RECORDis pressed,and will be abortedif ERASEis releasedbeforepressingRECORD. The ERASEbutlonhas no effectwhilea songor partis playing.


Thecopybutlonis usedto copyor appenda track,pan,or song,to anothertrack,part,or

song. lt only functionswhilethe COPYbuttonis helddown. lf the COPYbuttonis rolsassd(eitherbefor€or aftsrthe copyis sxecut6d),tho previousmodewill showup on the display,andcopymodeis exited.

Copylng a PABT to ltselt

Whenin PARTmode,andCOPYis pressedand held,all 8 trackLEDswill lighl,andthe d'rsdaywillread:


Bothdisplayedparlnumborswillactuallydisplayths currsntpartnumber(00-99).Pr€ssing RECORDcompletosthe op€ration,andthodisplayrsads:

This displayrEmainsuntil the RECORDbuton is rsleased,whichthen rsturnsthe s€quencerto the previouscopy display(unlessCOPYis releasedas well). The above oxampled€monstratedcopyinga part(allI tracks)to ilselt,whbh willdoublethe lengthol lhat oan.

Copylng a PART to another PART

To copya partto anotherpart,pressandholdCOPY,th€n enterthe twodigitpartnumbsr with ths keypad. The displaywill show the selsctedpart number. PressingRECORD initiatsslhe copy, and appendsthe source parl (the current part belore COPY was pr€ssed)to the deslinationpan (thepartenlsredwithths keypad).Again,all8 trackLEDs arelit,so all8lracksarecopied.

lf tho dsstinationpartwas empty,thsn ths destinationnowcontainsan sxactcopyof the sourcEpart. lf lhe dsstinationwas not€mpty,thenthedestination'slengthis increasedby the length of lhe sourc€ part, and lhe source part is app€ndedto the €nd of the destinalionpart. AnyMlDlassignmentsmadeonths sourcepart'strackswillbeoverrldden by lhs dsstinalionpart'sMlDlassignments.

Copylng a TRACK to ltsell

To copya singletracklo itsell(us€tulfor erasingall butonetypeof MlDl inlormation,see below),pressandholdthe COPYb!fion, selecithedssirodtrack(itsLEDwillremainlit and lh€ otherswillturnotl),thenpressRECORD.


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Alesis MMT-8, HR-16:B instruction manual C O P Y