Alesis HR-16:B, MMT-8 instruction manual NOTEEND 1/L6

Models: MMT-8

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The 10 quanlize choices are 112,114,116,1lg, 1112,1/16, 1n4, 1132,1148,1164. The +/- buttons of ths keypad can be ussd to scroll through lho choicos. The keypad builons 0-9 can also be us6d lo select lhs quantize value dkeclly, with O=1/2 and 9=l/64. The track sslec{ buttons can be used to solect tho desirod track(s) to be quantizod. When quantize is tirst pIessed, all eight lrack LEDs will be lit, indicating that all lracks will bs quantizsd if RECORD is pressed. lf a track button is pressed,all otherlracks will turn ott, and only that track will bs seloctsd. From that ooint on, each track select button will turn on or otf ils associated LED, so that any combination of tracks can bs solsctod to bs quantized. Prossingth6 BECORD button initiatssthe quantizing,and changes the displayto:

This display remains until the RECORD button is released, which then roturns the sequencer lo its previous quantize display. The quantizationprocess changes the start point of each nole to the nsarest quantize beat, but lsaves ths not6 release point where it was, which changos the aclual note duration. Other quantizing options en be selected by using lhe page up and pago down buttons. Pr€ssing the page up buflon scrolls through the following choices:



lf BECORDis pressedwithQUANTIZENOTESTART& ENDbeingdisplayed,rherelease timssof lhe nol6swillalsobe quantizedlo ths sglectedquantizeb6at. lF NOTEENDis solecled,onlythe rslsasstimesol ths noteswillbe quantized.ll KEEPDURATIONis selected,a nots' the startof a noteis movedl/16 notsahead,the roleasewillalsomove1/16 ahead.

ln SONGmode,the QUANTIZEbuuonis usedto selectan amountof clockoflsetfor each trackin a song. Theseoffsetsareglobalsettingsusedby all songs,anddo nol atlectthe individualpartsdkeclly. Thepurposefor thisleatursis to allowthe userto compensalefor MlDl delays,and sounddeviceswithslowattacklimes. Whileholdingthe OUANTIZE bultonin songmode,thelirsttrackLEDwilllight,allotherswillbs off,andthedisplaywill read as tollows:


The valuecan be sst from-48to +48 384thnotes(+ 1/2 noto)by usingthe ksypador the +/- buttons. Positivovaluesreprssenta shiftforwardin time, and negativsvalues representa shittbackwardin time. Whsnenteringa valuewith the k6ypad,the sign remainsunchanged(exceplwhgnentering00, whichis alwayspositive).To changelhe


sign,the +/- koysmuslbe ussdto through'zerolo theotherside. Eachtrackcan be

solectedand set independentlyOf. course,the first beatof ths tirstpartol a songcannot (it

be advanced can'treadminds..).

Al€sis MMT-8Inslructions

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Alesis HR-16:B, MMT-8 instruction manual NOTEEND 1/L6