Alesis MMT-8, HR-16:B instruction manual wouldread COPYFROMPATT CLSHAT> IOM

Models: MMT-8

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Th€ displayis now waitingfor a seconddrum pad lo b€ Press€d(pressingRECORD at lhis point nothing). lf for example,TOM 1 was pressed,lhe display




The displayof th€ s€cond pad pressedremainsunderlined,indicalingthat it can

still be changedby selectinganolh€r drum pad. As in copyingpallerns,once RECORDis pressed,the copy will be compl€te,and tho displaywill read 'COPY


Th€ lengthof th€ rhythmof the destinationpad will not be changed,and the source drum rhvlhmwill be mergedwith the destinationdrum rhythm. The dsstination

drum will remain assignedto its previousvoice, mix, and tuning. A drum from one patt€rn can be copied to a drum of another pattern if the destinationpattern is selecled beforeselectingtho sourc€ and d€stinationdrum buttons.

Copylng a SONG to ltselt

In SONG mode,pressingand holdingthe COPY buttonwill resultin the following display:


The 01 displaywill actuallyshow the curr€ntlyselecl€dsong number. Like in PATT mode, pressingRECORDwill appendthe currentsong to itself,makingil twic€ as long.

Copylng a SONG to another SONG

lf a n€w song numberis selected,the displaywill show the newlyselectedsong number,and pressingRECORDwill appendlhe source song numb€r (the number selecled b€for6 pressingcoPY), lo th€ deslinationsong number (the numb€r selectedwhiloholdingCOPY).

This mode is very useful,sincea verseconsistingof morethan one patterncould b€ €ntered into a song, and then appendedinto anoth€rsong when n€ededwithout having to re-enterth€ patterns for ths v€rs€. lf lhe destinationsong would resull in more than 255 steps alter copying,th€ copy will not be ex€cuted,and the displaywill r€ad:


ln all cases,the copyis nol execuleduntilRECORDis pressed,and will be aborted if COPY is releasedbeforepressingRECORD. The COPYbuttonhas no €ffectwhile a song or patternis playing.



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Alesis MMT-8, HR-16:B instruction manual wouldread COPYFROMPATT CLSHAT> IOM