Alesis HR-16:B, MMT-8 instruction manual 1/00 125124> 126 125 124> 126 00:S\ 23 122 121>

Models: MMT-8

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to scrollthe datathroughthe displayuntilthe 6nd is reached.Thedisplayincludesthe beat,sub-bsat,andanysystemexclusivsdata,asfollows:

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Eraslng an ovent

Any evsntbeingdisplayedcan be erasodby holdingERASEand pressingRECORD. Erasingan 6vsntremovesit tromthe track,but doesnot alterthe timingof tho lrack. For example,removinga quarternoteat the beginningof a lrack doss not moveoverything elsefoMarda ouartornots.

Addlng an event

An ovenlcan be addedby usingthe COPYbutton. Pressingand holdingCOPYcauses thelollowingdisplay:

Pressingthe RECORDbuttonwill inserta note al the currentbsat location with a note valus ot C3, a velocityof 64, and a durationof 1 beat. This notecan then be editedas describedabovelo any deshedvalue. lf somethingolhsrthana not6is desirsdto be insertsd,the pageup and pagedownbuttonscan be usedto scrolllhroughthe other choicesbelorepressingRECORD:


AlesisMMT€ Instruclions

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Alesis HR-16:B, MMT-8 instruction manual 1/00 125124> 126 125 124> 126 00:S\ 23 122 121>