Alesis MMT-8, HR-16:B instruction manual Tape

Models: MMT-8

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ln all five ot th€se pag€s, pressing RECORD initiatos the oporation. The verify tunction is us€d lo insure that the data just recorded to tap€ is good. Load from tape.loadsth€ enlire memorywith lh6 data on lape. Load palt and load song allow a singlo paltern or song to be loadedfrom a tap€. The keypadcan b€ usedio select the d€sired number. After pressir€ RECORD, th€ display will change to the following(dependingon th€ page shownwhsn it was pressed)





Again,lhe RECORDand TAPE butlonscan be rel€as€d,and th€ dispfaywill continu€ until the op€ralion is compl€te, wilh the currently loading or verifying patl€rn or song number b€ing shown in the display. When loading on€ paltern or song, the displaywill continuslo show th6 selectedpatternor song number in lho upper display. When sendingoul MlDl data, the displayshown abovewill remainuntil th€ data has been s€nt out.. After completionof the lap€ funclions,the displaywill return to its pr€vious stats (select paltern or sslect song). ll an error is encountered while loading a lape, the display will show ERROR as soon as it occurs, for example,

Th€ tape will attempt to conlinue to load, but it is possible that th€ data will be corrupted and lhereiore unusable.

During any ol the tap€ operations (but not th€ send MtDl function), the STOP/CONTINUEbutton can b€ used to abort lhe op€ration. When loading in all palterns and songs, abortinglhe lap€ may leave unusabledata in memory. When loading one patt€rn or song, aborlingaft€r the selectedPatternor song has passod will not cause any probloms.


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Alesis MMT-8, HR-16:B instruction manual Tape