Alesis HR-16:B, MMT-8 instruction manual 01TOSONG

Models: MMT-8

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By scrolling through the list, any sslscted data can be copied lrom one track or part to another. For example, if a track contained notes on many MlDl channsls that had been prsviously combined together, copying only one MlDl channei to a new lrack would allow the parts to be separated out again. Also, copying NOTES ONLY Jrom a track to itself will etfectivoly erass all pitchbend, controller, program change, after touch, and system exclusive data trom that track.

Copylng a SONG to ltselt

ln SONG mode, pressingand holdingthe COPY buttonwill resultin the lollowingdisplay:


The01displaywillactuallyshowlh6currentlyselectedsongnumber.Likein PARTmode, pressingRECORDwillappendthecurrentsongto itself,makingitlwiceas long.

Copylng a SONG to anolher SONG

lf a newsongnumberis selected,lhe displaywill showthe newlyselecledsongnumber, andpressingRECORDwillappendlhe sourcssongnumber(thenumberselectedbefore pressingCOPY),to ths dsstinationsong number(lhe numberselectedwhileholding

COPY).Thismodeis veryuseful,sincea versoconsistingof morethanonepartcouldbe

entersdinto a song,and then appendedinto anolhsrsongwhen neededwithouthaving to re -enterlhe partslor the verss. Noneof the eighttrackbuttonswill haveany effect whencopyingsongs. The pageup and pagedownbuttonsalsohaveno effectwhen copyrngsongs.

Inallcases,thecopyis notexecutsduntilRECORDis pressed,andwillb6 abortsdif COPY is releassdbetor€pressingRECORD.TheCOPYbuttonhasno effeclwhilea songor pan rsprayrng.


The EDITbuttonis anon/oftswitchwithan associatedLED. Allooerationsas discussedso far assumethatEDITis off. Whsnoditis on,individualnotseditingcanbe achievedin part mode,andthe listof partsin a songcanbe editedin songmods. To exil EDITmode,prsss EDITagain(theLEDwilllurnofl),or ssloctPARTor SONG,whichautomaticallyturnsEDIT off.

Editing a PART

WhenEDITis pressedwhilein PARTmode(PARTLEDlit),individualMlDloventscanb6 sdited.Theeighttrackbuttonsareusedlo seleclwhichtrackis beingsditod.Onlyone lrackcanbe edrtsdat a time(onlyonelrackis litat a time). Thedisplaynowshowsthe MlDl informationof lhe selectedtrackasfollows:

Thefirstlhreedigitsareths beatnumber,followedby thssub-beatcounl(00"95),lollowed by the notevalue,followedby lhe notevelocity(01-127),followedby lhe nole'sduration (inbaatsandsub-beats),followedbythe note'sMlDlchannel(1-16).Thecursoris under


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Alesis HR-16:B, MMT-8 instruction manual 01TOSONG