Alesis HR-16:B, MMT-8 instruction manual Selecling a SONG

Models: MMT-8

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Selecling a SONG

Selecling a SONG

The00 is underlinedto indi€te that it willbe changedif a newnumberis selectedwirhthe keypador the +/- buttons.Thesecondlin€of ths displayshowsthe nameof tho currently sslected . song,(uptol4characters)lfthecunentsdng'numberisempty,thesecondlin6.

will read EMPW SONG. Pressingthe +/- buttonsimmediatelyselbitsthe nsxt song number,withthe numbersloopingpast99 to OOand loopingd6wnfrom0O.to99. lf i singledigiton lhe keypadis pressed(2,tor oxample),tho displaywillchangeto:

The displayis now indicatingthat ths seconddigitof tho songshouldbe entered. After enteringthe seconddigit,ths now songis selected,and its namewill appear. lf the seconddigit is not enleredwithin2 seconds,th6 displaywill revertbackto the previous songnumbsr,andno newsongwillhavebeenselscled. Thepagoup andpagsdown buttonshaveno functionwhenselectingpartsor songs.

ASONGis a listof parts(sequences)in a specific order,witheachentryintothe listbeinga STEPwhichconlainsa part number. Eachstep alsocontainswhichol the eighttracks shouldbs on tor that slep.

Manual TRACK selocllon and mutlng In SONG mode

Whilein SONGmods,tho eightTRACKSELECTLEDswilldisplaythe lracksthatare turnedon on tho first partof the s6lectedsong. ThesEbuttonscan be turnedon or otl to changethe sslectedtracksto be played,atthoughthsso changeswill be temporaryand not storedwith the song. PressingPLAY will start playinglhe sslectedsongJromits beginning,andthePLAYLEDwilllight.Thedisplaywillread,lorexample:

0 0 001


Thelirstlineof thedisplayis nowshowingthecurrentsongnumberbeingplayed,and the curr6nlbeat numberof the part beingplayed. The secondlineof the displayis showingthe stepnumberandthepartassign€dto the slepthatis playingatth6 moment.Whenthe songadvanceslo ths nextstep,the displaywill showlhe partlor step 2, etc. The track selectLEDswill changeto showwhichtracks ars turnedon tor lhe currentpart. Again,the trackseleclioncan be changedby turningon or olf the track buttons.

PressingSTOP/CONTINUEwillstopplayingthe song,andthe displaywill returnto the selectsongdisplay.PressingSTOP/CONTINUEagainwillbeginplayingthe songlromthe beatat whichit wasstopp€d. PressingPIAY willalwaysstartthesong{romthe bgginning of the tirst step. when a songreachesits end,it will stopandths PLAYLEDwillturnofl, unlessLOOPis on, whichwill causethe songlo loopbackto stepone and continue playing.

The . and " buttons(rewindandlast lomard) can be ussd10advanceor retreatthrough lhe beatsand st€psof a song. if lhs songis playing,prsssingthe tast forwardwill cause sustainingnotssto stop,andth6bsaldisplayto advanceat a graduallyincreasingrate(up to the maximumpossiblotempo)untilths lastforwardbuttonis rsleased,afterwhichthe songcontinuesplayingtromthebeginningot thedisplayedbeat. lf thoendof thecurrent stepis reached,the nextslep is starled.

The rewindbuttonworks similarly,but in reverse. In eithordirection,il ths end or

beginningof a songis reached,thedisplayremainson thatstep,unlessloopis on,which


resultsin the step

around".Whena songis notPlaying,thessbuttonscanbe

usedforthesamefunclion,andby pressingSTOP/CONTINUEthesongwillcontinuofrom


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Alesis HR-16:B, MMT-8 instruction manual Selecling a SONG