Editing Effects: Chapter 7
Chorus Input Level (00 to 99) Page 1 (Config 2 Only)
If Configuration #2 is selected (refer to block diagram of Configuration #2, earlier in
this chapter), the first page of the Reverb function will look like this:
The Configuration has two Reverbs, one on send 1 (which send 2 can share), the
other on send 3 (which send 4 can share). There is only one parameter in this page:
Chorus Input Level. This lets you adjust the level of the signal coming from the Pitch
output going into the Reverb, otherwise the signal comes purely from the Pitch input.
The other parameters and pages in the Reverb function are identical, regardless of
which Configuration is being used. Only page 1 is different, because of the fewer
input choices the Reverb has in this Configuration.
Send Input Levels (<99 to <0> to 99>) Page 1 (Sends 2 through 4)
If Configuration #1 is selected and you press [10] to select effect send 2, the display
will now show you the parameters that represent the signal levels on send 2 going
into the Reverb. Note that there is now only 1 page available, since the other reverb
parameters are found back on effect send 1.
Press [20] to select send 3, and the display will still look the same, but now the
parameters adjust the signal levels on send 3 going into the Reverb. If you press [30]
to select send 4, the display will look like this:
There are only two parameters: Balance and Input Level. This is because in
Configuration #1, effect send 4 only has a Delay effect, and not a Pitch effect like the
other effect sends do. Page 1 controls the Balance between the Delay output and the
dry effect send signal, while page 2 controls the overall input level to the Reverb.
If Configuration #2 is selected and you press [10] to select effect send 2 while the
Reverb function is selected, the display will look like this:
This lets you adjust the level of the signal coming from effect send 2 going into the
Reverb. Send 2 in this Configuration has no effects of its own. Therefore, there are no
input or input mix controls in this page, since there is only one possible signal choice.
Send 2 is intended to be used for signals that you want to send to Reverb 1, but
bypass Delay and Pitch 1. In Configuration #2, send 4 is similar to send 2, in that it
has no effects of its own but serves as a bypass going directly to Reverb 3.
QS7/QS8 Reference Manual 107