Global Settings: Chapter 8
QS7/QS8 Reference Manual 117117
MIDI OUT Page 16
The MIDI Out Mode determines whether the MIDI [OUTPUT] connector will
transmit MIDI information originating from the QS (when set to ÒOUTÓ), or will
ÒechoÓ MIDI information that is received at the MIDI [INPUT] connector (when set
If the I/O parameter (see previous page) is set to either ÒMacÓ, ÒPC 38.4kbaudÓ or
ÒPC31.25kbaudÓ, the MIDI Out parameter can only be set to ÒOFFÓ or ÒTHRUÓ. This
is because unless the I/O parameter is set to ÒMIDIÓ, the MIDI [OUTPUT] connector
may only function as a MIDI ÒThruÓ connector for the connected computer, and can
only be switched off.
Found on Global Edit Page 17, the Reset Controllers function (On/Off) determines
whether the values for Controllers AÐD will be reset to zero when a new Program or
Mix is recalled. This parameter works along with the Controller Mode parameter
(described below) to choose how the keyboard is being used as a controller. If the A-
D Controllers are being used to modulate the volume, etc., of external MIDI sound
modules, you will probably want the Reset Controllers parameter turned ÒOFFÓ so
that the modulesÕ volumes will not be reset to zero every time a new Mix or Program
is selected. If you are using the A-D Controllers only for modulating parameters in
the QuadraSynth Plus, you will probably want this parameter turned ÒONÓ so that
new Programs or Mixes are recalled with their stored settings.
Example: If you adjusted Controller A (using the CONTROLLER [A] slider) to, say, a
value of 25 and then you recalled a different Program, the value of Controller A
would remain at 25 if the Reset Controllers function was turned off. Alternatively,
the Controller A value would reset to 0 if this function was turned on.
The Controller Mode function (Local, MIDI, or Both) determines whether the
Controllers AÐD will have an affect on the currently selected Program or Mix, or
will only send out controller data via the MIDI Out connector, or do both.
If the Controller Mode function is set to MIDI, moving one of the CONTROLLER
sliders will have no affect on the currently selected Program or Mix; however, this
will cause controller data to be sent out the MIDI Out connector.
Example: If Controller A is defined as MIDI controller #11 (which is the default),
and the Controller Mode is set to MIDI, moving the CONTROLLER [A] slider will
send out controller 11 data but will have no effect on the currently selected Program
or Mix. Although the Program or Mix may use Controller A to modify it in some
way, the CONTROLLER [A] slider is temporarily ÒdisconnectedÓ from the Program
or Mix until the Controller Mode function is set to Local or Both.