10)Tap OK. Your new profile is now saved.
11)Check Confirm Profile when Routing if you want to be prompted to select a profile before each trip.
12)Choose a profile from the Road Preference Profile pick list and tap OK. This is the profile CoPilot will now use to calculate routes.
Tap Guidance. The settings under Speak Turn Warning At determine how often and where CoPilot will give you next turn information out loud. All, none, or some boxes can be checked. A pick list gives the options for Just Ahead: by default you will be alerted 5 sec/100 ft before every turn (5 seconds or 100 feet, whichever
is closest), but you can choose to have CoPilot speak to you sooner (2 - 8 seconds before each turn, or 100 feet).
The pick list under Custom Display give you display options for the line above the ETA in the
screens. This line can display the destination, current road, nearest crossroad, nearest major road, nearest town, current time, speed, elevation, or heading. NOTE: Defaults are set here, but you can also toggle through the options by tapping the line itself.
Check Display Route Arrow to have a yellow turn arrow appear on your route on the map as you approach each turn (this option is turned on by default).
Check Amplify Speech Volume to have CoPilot speak louder (only active if the TTS — text to speech — voice option was selected when CoPilot was installed).
Check Display GPS Arrow Trail to keep a trail of arrows that tracks your position as you drive on the map.
Data areas that are currently downloaded to your mobile device are shown at the bottom of this screen.
Map options are:
Units — Select Mile or KM as the unit of distance.
Map Rotation — Select Heading Up to have the map display always track your position moving upward (this is the default settings), or North Up to maintain north at the top as you drive.
Stylus Control — Box Zoom is selected by default. It enables you to zoom into an area on the map by drawing a box around it with the stylus. Selecting Drag Map lets you use the stylus to drag the map in any direction to a desired location. Place the stylus on the map and move it across the screen.
POI Display — Never: Never display POI's on map.
When Stopped: Display POI's when your vehicle is stopped.
Always: Always display POI's.
Automatic Day/Night Mode: With this option on, CoPilot automatically switches between Day/Night Mode at daybreak and dusk. See Map Modes, p. 23.
Turn Restriction Display: Show/hide turn restrictions on the map.
Route Over: This setting affects how CoPilot's calculated route displays on the map. When turned on, the route is outlined in black for better visibility.
NOTE: The list of Areas of Data shows which regions of map data are available.
Language and Speech
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