Patch 86241-06 For Rapier Switches 5
Patch 86241-05 for Software Release 2.4.1
C613-10340-00 REV E
After sending a DHCP NAK in response to a client’s DHCP REQUEST with
a bad lease time, the switch would fail to age out its corresponding DHCP
OFFER entry. This issue has been resolved.
The switch would disassert the AIS, IDLE, LOF and LOS alarms if the
defect conditions that had caused the alarm were disasserted, then
reasserted before the alarms had been disasserted. This issue has been
When a static link local address was configured using the ADD IPV6
INT=xxx IP=yyy command, it was not reflected in the switch’s dynamic
configuration. Consequently, the command would be absent from the
switch’s configuration after CREATE CONFIG and switch RESTART
commands were executed. This issue has been resolved.
The ADD BGP PEER command MAXPREFIX parameter now has a default
of 24000, instead of OFF. Previously, with no maximum prefix checking by
default, if the switch received a very large number of prefixes from a BGP
peer, buffer exhaustion could result in a software restart .
The SHOW OSPF NEIGHBOUR command did not reflect a change made to
the router priority on a dynamic OSPF interface of a neighbouring router.
This issue has been resolved.
Link state advertisements could incorrectly show an area as a stub area.
This happened during the time when a Direct Route (DR) was removed
from a configuration and before a Direct Backup Route (BDR), or an Other
Direct Route (Other DR) was elected. This issue has been resolved.
The switch would flood DVMRP unicast messages to all ports in the VLAN.
This issue has been resolved.
ICMP packets originating from the switch used the wrong Equal Cost
Multiple Path route. This issue has been resolved. Also, improvements have
been made to ensure that the ICMP packet will be transmitted over the best
available route. If the best route becomes unavailable, a new route will be
found, if available, so that the ICMP packet continues to reach the
destination address.
The ECPAC card was not working correctly. This issue has been resolved.
PCR: 03123 Module: DHCP Level: 3
PCR: 03125 Module: DS3 Level: 3
PCR: 03127 Module: IPV6 Level: 2
PCR: 03136 Module: BGP Level: 2
PCR: 03011 Module: OSPF Level: 3
PCR: 03035 Module: OSPF
PCR: 03045 Module: IPG, SWI Level: 3
PCR: 03046 Module: IPG Level: 3
PCR: 03051 Module: PCI Level: 2