12Patch Release Note
PCR: 02469 Module: TMNetwork affecting: No
After an ASYN port test, the port is now reset to its
PCR: 02477 | Module: IPG, PIM, SWI | Network affecting: No |
The following issues have been resolved:
•When equal paths exist to a source, a PIM DM downstream switch/ router could not correctly collect information from AssertSelection between the upstream devices.
•If the Assert winner was another vendor’s device, The Allied Telesyn device did not respond to the Prune message.
•Sometimes a receiver could not get a multicast data stream.
•If unicast routes were changed, multicast data streams sometimes failed to reach receivers or flowed incorrectly.
PCR: 02481 | Module: IPv6 | Network affecting: No |
A fatal error occurred with IPv6 ping when an interface was plugged in and unplugged repeatedly. This issue has been resolved. Also, the TrueMTU value on a VLAN interface was incorrect. This value has been corrected to 1500.
PCR: 02482 | Module: IPG | Network affecting: No |
When pinging an unreachable host via a switch, there was a delay before the switch sent a DestinationUnreachable message. This issue has been resolved.
PCR: 02489 | Module: SWI | Network affecting: No |
When the switch was under heavy learning load, some MAC address were lost. This issue has been resolved.
PCR: 02494 | Module: IPv6 | Network affecting: No |
It was possible to add the same IPv6 prefix to different IPv6 interfaces. This issue has been resolved.
PCR: 02495 Module: VLAN | Network affecting: No |
The ADD VLANRELAY and DELETE VLANRELAY commands returned the wrong message if the command could not be processed. This issue has been resolved.
PCR: 02498 Module: VLAN | Network affecting: No |
The correct protocol number is now returned by VLAN Relay.
PCR: 02499 | Module: IPG | Network affecting: No |
Some parameters in the SET IP IGMP command had incorrect ranges. This issue has been resolved. The correct ranges are:
SET IP IGMP [LMQI=1..255] [LMQC=1..5] [QUERYINTERVAL=1..65535]